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日期:2011-12-20, 查看:1295

       2011年12月18-20日,纳米生物材料课题组参加了“第四届中科院功能氧化物创新团队会议”。会议期间,吴爱国研究员应邀作了题为 “A Rapid Colorimetric Detection Approach of Heavy Metal Ions Based on Noble Metal Nanoparticles”的报告。


        课题组其他成员分别以题为“A rapid and sensitive colorimetric assay method for Co2+ based on the modified Au nanoparticles (NPs): Understanding the involved interactions from experiments and simulations”(冷玉敏)、“The study of TiO2 nanoparticles on promoting intracellular concentration and anti-tumor effects of doxorubicin via folic acid targeting-mediated endocytosis in drug-resistance cancer cells”(任文智)、“The preparation of gold, silver nanoparticles and their applications in rapid detection of chromium ions”(辛军委)、“The preparation of gold nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrodes and their applications in detection of doxorubicine”(杨翠)、“A rapid colorimetric detection method of Cu2+ based on silver nanoparticles with the “green” synthesis”(苗利静)的墙报展示了其在课题组中的部分科研工作,其中博士研究生冷玉敏同学获得了此次会议的“最佳墙报展奖”。
