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史振志 博士
日期:2016-05-21, 查看:3230

2003.09-2007.07 华中科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,生物医学工程专业,获得工学学士学位。
2007.09-2009.09 天津大学,精密仪器与光电子工程学院,生物医学工程专业,获得工学硕士学位。
2009.09-2012.06 天津大学,精密仪器与光电子工程学院,生物医学工程专业,获得工学博士学位。期间以第一作者发表文章4篇,其中SCI3区检索2篇,以第二或其他作者发表6篇。
2012.07-2014.07 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,博士后。


1.Zhenzhi Shi, Wenzhi Ren, An Gong, Xinmei Zhao, Yuehong Zou, Eric Michael Bratsolias Brown, Xiaoyuan Chen, Aiguo Wu*.Stability enhanced polyelectrolyte-coated gold nanorod-photosensitizer complexes for high/low power density photodynamic therapy.Biomaterials.35(2014)7058-7067.
2. Zhenzhi Shi, Ying Fan, Huijuan Zhao, Kexin Xu, Joint derivation method for determining optical properties based on steady-state spatially resolved diffuse reflectance measurement at small source-detector separations and large reduced albedo range: theory and simulation, J. Biomed. Opt., (2012),17(6), 067004.
3. Zhenzhi Shi, Huijuan Zhao, Kexin Xu, Hybrid diffusion-P3 equation in N-layered turbid media: steady-state domain,J. Biomed. Opt.,  (2011),16(10), 100502.
4. Zhenzhi Shi, Yue Yang, Huijuan Zhao, Wenliang Chen, Rong Liu, Kexin Xu, Theoretical Studies of Floating-reference Method for NIR Blood Glucose Sensing, Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XI, v7906, 79060W,(2011).

5.史振志, 赵会娟, 陈文亮, 等. 近光源下基于稳态空间分辨漫反射测量的光学参数反构, 天津大学学报(自然科学版), (2012),45(6): 552-559.
6. Yue Yang, Wenliang Chen, Zhenzhi Shi,Kexin Xu, The reference point of floating-reference method for blood glucose sensing, Chinese Optics Letters,(2010),8(4), 421-424.
7.Yue Yang, Zhenzhi Shi, Chenxi Li, Wenliang Chen, Xu kexin, Simulation and validation of the radial reference point in non-invasive blood glucose sensing by NIR, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering,(2010),8(2),114-119.
8.Chenxi Li, Qiuyin Wang, Zhenzhi Shi, Yunhan Luo, Huijuan Zhao and Kexin Xu, Analysis and modification of estimate error in optical properties measurement with the double-integrating-spheres system, Proc. SPIE 7563, 75630O, (2010).
9. Yue Yang, Kexin Xu, Lijun Ding, Zhenzhi Shi, Wenliang Chen, Influence of skin tissue properties on the radial reference point for glucose measurement,Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing IX, v7186, 7186n, (2009).
10.Yun Chen, Wenliang Chen, Zhenzhi Shi, Yue Yang, Kexin Xu, A reference-wavelength based method for improved analysis of near-infrared spectroscopy, Applied Spectroscopy, (2009),63(5), 544-548.
